Getting your House in Order

Doesn't it seem like inflation is impacting every single aspect of your life? Utilities are a bit more expensive. Gas is creeping back up again. Don't even get me started talking about groceries! 

The truth is, Americans are beginning to struggle financially. 63% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Credit card debt is up sharply. Savings rates are down. The monthly margins are getting a bit tighter than they have been. 

I want to give you some tips to help you THRIVE during this tighter time:

  • Operate from a monthly budget. Write down your monthly fixed expenses. Write down the irregular expenses. Then analyze the last 12 months of discretionary spending. Where can you make cuts in this category?

  • Put the extra money from your discretionary spending towards building your reserves. Start with a quick "#$*& hit the fan" disaster fund. Have the goal to build it to 3 months of your fixed and irregular budget costs. That is a good safety net for your family. 

  • Check up on your insurance. Do you have health and life insurance? Be sure these are in place. If you are self employed like me, do you have a way to cover loss of income should you become incapacitated? I have an idea for you for this one!!

  • Take stock of your investments. What are your stock and real estate investments worth. Do you have other streams of income?

  • Finally, Be sure you have a will or trust in place. If you don't, got to to get yours done today! There is no reason not to get this done!

That is a lot of legwork, but you can get a handle on your spending, give yourself a safety net, and be ready no matter what happens to thrive economically! We created a resource for you to help you analyze where you currently are.

As always, don’t hesitate to give me a call. I’d love to catch up with you and help answer any questions you have and be a resource for you!